One piece world seeker steam
One piece world seeker steam

At first this was really annoying to me, but you get used to it after playing a while, but it still does not feel ideal. For one, Luffy feels tanky in the way he controls. Gameplay: sadly though the gameplay is the jankiest part of the experience. It feels like watching one of the One Piece movies.

one piece world seeker steam

The character models also look pretty good. The semi-realistic terrains look stylish.

one piece world seeker steam

Graphically World Seeker looks really pretty actually. One Piece World Seeker looked amazing from the outset, but after playing around 50 hours of this game I can deduce that it is pretty One Piece World Seeker looked amazing from the outset, but after playing around 50 hours of this game I can deduce that it is pretty dissapointing.

#One piece world seeker steam series

Not a huge fan of the series in general, but I feel my rating was fair. So if you can put up with tedious enemies and quests then I’m sure you’ll love what One Piece: World Seeker brings to the table because it does get more right than it gets wrong and it carries on the series pretty well despite its imperfections. This is a downfall because there are plenty of new abilities you get to unlock during your adventure. The combat isn’t great and pulling of moves never really felt fun, and I think one of the main reasons why was the lack of varied enemies you can actually execute the moves on. There’s quite a lot for you to do and the game definitely offers you a generous amount of content, but unfortunately here’s where I bumped into a few problems. From the moment I started the game, I enjoyed what the presentation side of the game delivered to me and in my opinion both the visuals and sound design enhanced the story. I went into playing One Piece: World Seeker with an open mind and it was an enjoyable experience but there were some issues to contend with. I enjoy like the One Piece franchise but I am not a fan or anything like that because for me there are better franchises out there. In One Piece: World Seeker, the presentation of the game does a lot to enhance certain elements of the gameplay and this made both the In One Piece: World Seeker, the presentation of the game does a lot to enhance certain elements of the gameplay and this made both the visuals and sound design stand out.

One piece world seeker steam